Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Steve Nollau- Digital Marketing Research Specialist

SteveNollau is a veteran of the advertising world who is currently the co-owner, President, and Chief Strategy Officer at Brädo Creative Insight in St. Louis.

The firm’s specialties include digital marketing research, which can expand, he says, on qualitative research. Brädo Creative Insight uses digital tools for market research to increase the value and reach of its qualitative processes. Brädo’s digital methods, the company says, expand and improve on its non-traditional approach. Their research methods include Real-Time Insight Mobile Research, online communities, online surveys, and online interviews and focus groups. The firm is also part of an international association of independent market research agencies called the Digital Insight Network, which shares and encourages best practices and innovations.

SteveNollau spent the first part of his career in advertising, marketing and brand strategy, before switching to client side marketing. He also designed, developed, and franchised his own food service concept, called Blenders California Juice Bar, in Southern California.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Steve Nollau: Creative Epiphanies

Steve Nollau is the co-owner of Brädo Creative Insight, a relatively small strategic marketing research agency and consultancy based in St. Louis, Missouri. He is also the agency’s President and Chief Strategy Officer.
Steve Nollau
The company, he says, is fortunate to work with some of the largest and most influential brands in the world. Their clients include Anheuser-Busch/InBev, Bristol Myers Squibb, Cadbury, Crayola, Frito Lay, Taco Bell, Merck & Co. and Nestle’.

His company, he explains, provides its clients with Creative Insight. The difference between that and ordinary insight is that Creative Insight touches off a creative epiphany. They’ve developed a new innovation tool called the Innovation Lab for clients developing new products and packaging, a mobile facility equipped to create workable product models.

“What we deal in is creative insight,” Steve Nollau says. And what better way to manifest a creative insight that to be able to actually see, in physical form, an idea come to life. And that’s what the Innovation Lab provides us – something that was simply not possible before.” Those who have seen and used the Innovation Lab have responded positively.

Steve Nollau brings many years of advertising, marketing and brand strategy experience to Creative Insight. He also understands and appreciates front line marketing and customer engagement. He is a 1975 graduate of the University of Missouri, where he earned a degree in journalism, while majoring in advertising and minoring in marketing.